The ability to write articles that are SEO friendly is needed for the efficiency of the marketing budget, so that advertising costs can be reduced gradually. That was the conclusion I found from talking to some SEO clients.
The question is, with so many article writing guides that are as friendly as possible, can all of them be applied?
For that I will discuss the guide on how to write seo friendly articles that are simple but still interesting to readers, and in just 5 minutes. Cool, right!
Continue ...!
1. Prioritize User Experience
For a writer or SEO beginner optimizer, generally will feel crazy. 3 days 2 nights difficult to eat except if the reporter :DTry to imagine, which one you will choose
The structure of the article is very SEO so it is easy to decorate the first page of Google but it is not comfortable to read OR Interesting articles that are beautifully written and able to wash away the feelings of the reader BUT UNFORTUNATELY, no one has read because it failed to be found in search engines.Which one should take precedence?
I personally will choose articles that pamper user experience moderately. That is, the article must be enjoyed by the reader so that it is very potential to bring sales and articles as well as possible according to SEO rules as much as possible.The essence of User Experience (UX) is to provide quality content and websites by placing the reader as the main target. So, whatever you like, if you don't pay attention to the user experience, you can be sure the message you want to convey will not be maximally absorbed.
Note: In addition to writing rules that prioritize user experience, you also need to pay attention to the overall UX of the website.
Web Layer That Affects UX
Web Layer That Affects UX
2. Research keywords
The key to getting visitors on Google, one of which is to choose keywords. It's a good idea to measure your website's capabilities and competitors' conditions. If you are not ready to compete with large web, there is nothing wrong with targeting the best and targeted keywords. For example, your online web store located in Depok sells Muslim fashion, so some variations of keywords that can be targeted:
Selling Muslim clothing in Denmark
Selling Black Blouse Promos in Denmark
See the variations above, the longer a keyword is, the more incoming visitors will be, the more targeted and competitive the easier it will be. It is not impossible, your web will soon decorate the first page and you will be bothered with orders. Now to easily illustrate the level of difficulty of keywords. You can analyze it like this:- If the search results already have a large web and use ads, this can be categorized as very difficult keywords
- If the search results don't have a big web, but there are many that use ads, this can be categorized as a difficult keyword.
- If the keywords are very general (eg "clothing") this can be categorized as very difficult keywords
- If the keyword is very general enough (eg "Muslim fashion") this can be categorized as very difficult keywords
- If the keyword is clear enough - containing the title (eg "selling Muslim clothing") this can be categorized as a rather easy keyword
- If the keywords are clear enough - containing predicates + location information (eg "selling Muslim clothing in Kemang") this can be categorized as easy keyword
3. Play the Keyword Role in the Article Title
In this section, optimization is required if you want to easily compete in the Search Engine Result Page. The question is why should it be in the title section? Technically the title (title) is the first part that Google crawls to determine the topic of an article. Like a shop that sells petromak lights, he must write "Sell petromak lights" in front of his shop.If you don't maximize the role of keywords in the title of the article then it's the same as telling the reader to guess the theme of your post. And in this case, Google can be compared to the reader.
Already playing the role of keywords in the article title?
If we now refer to the first point, prioritize User Experience. "Sacrificing the user (reader) just to pursue the main keywords in the title post". Then the next question, how long can we make the article title? This is the thing that many of my clients ask, for the title, try it for less than 600px. Because the unit is pixel, this limit does not have to be how many characters it is because it depends on the number of pixels used by each character.4. Write Long and Deep Articles
Remember the keywords are "long and deep", not "long or deep". This means that the simple articles you write are not only of long origin but also useful for the reader. If you are able to write long articles and still prioritize the user experience, the results will be better. For example page-view increases, one site avg time increases, the bounce rate decreases and so on. But what if you insist on writing long articles but only to fulfill SEO friendly targets? I don't think the results will be effective.The discussion of long and deep content is also known as in-depth content.
Based on's analysis of 1 million searches on Google recently found that the average length of articles on page 1 of SERP is 1,890 cubitsNote: Avoid using unnecessary sentences or topics just to catch up on a large number of words. It's best to use simple, targeted sentences and not long-winded, so that the topics you discuss can be broader and denser.
5. Optimize Images
Talk about image optimization for interesting articles that are seo friendly, at least there are two that need attention. The first image originality and the second how to introduce images to Google's search engine.This image originality is a very sensitive matter, Google wants unique images on Google Image. So that Google can provide many variations for its users. So for those who want traffic from Google image, make sure you understand Google's wish.
For that you must have a unique image.
Many ideas for creating images that are considered unique, generally people will edit them using Photoshop, you can simply add a word or flip the original image. Efficient right!While the most effective, but quite complicated, make your own photos.
In addition to the above, the way SEO for google images is of course alt and titles that contain keywords. This is where we introduce our image to Google.
Sharp resolution and larger image size is usually a consideration for Google to appear more prioritized on search engines. Try to use images with a size of 400px x 600px. Don't forget to compress the file so that it doesn't burden the loading web. Usually, I use the Photoshop feature, "Save for Web". With this feature, we can change images that are about MB in size to tens of KB without damaging the image resolution.6. Internal Link
Internal linking is a link between pages in one blog / website. Internal links can not only make visitors feel at home, but also useful for SEO off-page. Even though it's good but try to only use related internal links so as not to disturb visitors. With a good internal link, you will also get a link juice that is OK OCE.Illustration of link juice as follows.
With internal links, if one page gets a backlink, then 85% of the power from the backlink will flow and be divided into other pages that get links from that page (commonly called linkjuice).
7. Use the Latent Semantic Index (LSI)
As an online writer I am sure at least you have heard of LSI / Latent Semantic Index. You can use it as a word variation so that the writing doesn't seem bland, but it can still be maximally in the eyes of Google. And the material by including LSI as a word variation instead makes the content more relevant. Before building the article there are also some parameters that we can check both before and after writing;Original content - Content that plays new ideas and even produces new perspectives.
AVG Time On Page - Quantitatively, the indicator can be the length of time visitors read
The topic must be recommended or tested. To test and research topics we can use Buzzsumo
8. Shorten URL (Permalink)
Slightly different from the method of writing a title that besides having keywords but also as varied as possible, for URL optimization or also known as Permalink a good style is not a rich variety of keywords, but is easily detected by search engines what is the main topic of the article.These tips I observe from several well-known SEO blogs. Take samples like, even if you refer to articles, wouldn't it be better if -site.
Well, in the end this is the answer
"Make your page's URL shor and keyword rich. An industry study found that shorter URLs rank better in Google ". Already, while that way before, let it fit the topic. Only 5 minutes. If later there is an addition or there are technical questions please comment, and I will add it in the content to answer it.If you find it difficult to create content that produces a lot of targeted visitors, please visit this page.
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